Twogether For Ever Apps

Twogether For Ever 1.0
Twogether For Ever Marriage Ministry isaministry whose aim and passion is to share soundbiblicalprinciples about knowing the right marriage partner,gettingmarried and being successful in marriage. Marriage is theoldestand most exciting institution set up by GodHimself..."Therefore aman shall leave his father and mother and bejoined to his wife,and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24NKJV. According tothe Master's design, there is no end to thisunion. The plan is forman to be "firmly bonded to his wife,becoming one flesh-no longertwo bodies but one. Because God createdthis organic union of thetwo sexes, no one should desecrate his artby cutting themapart."Matt. 19:5-6 MSG.Twogether For Ever was founded by Rev. Dr. Vic and Rev. Mrs.MayVictor (aka Team Victor) who currently resides in the UnitedStatesof America but travels all over the world sharing provenresourcesfor building enduring relationships, stabilizing familiesandhealing broken marriages. They are Marriage Mentors,RelationshipCoaches and well sought after International Conferencespeakers.Team Victor made their marriage vows to each other, in thepresenceof God, family and friends as witnesses, on January 6,1990. Theirmarriage is blessed with three children.Twogether For Ever Marriage Ministry empowers, trains,certifies,equips and enthrones great marriages and mentors throughseveralbooks, Marriage Intensive Workshops (MIW),InternationalRelationship Conferences (IRC), Annual Two In LoveEvents (TILE),weekly radio and television shows as well as one onone mentoring.They believe that marriage is the cornerstone ofGod’s master planfor His kingdom. Their focus is to heal brokenhearts, restorebroken homes and provide direction to those seekingto enjoy afulfilled married life according to the plan ofGod.The relationship conferences International RelationshipConference(IRC) and Two In Love Event (TILE) hold annually invariouscountries of the world including USA, Nigeria, South Africa,Ghana,Uganda to mention but a few. These conferences provideplatformswhere marriages are promoted through seminars that buildup healthymarriages and stable homes and banquets that promoteoneness aswell as platforms that prepare singles for marriage bylaying theproper foundation for choosing the right partner.The Marriage Intensive Workshop is a certified workshopgearedtowards training mentors, providing solid foundation forcourtingcouples and effectively counseling couples in crisis. We dothis byholding on site and online workshops. Twogether For Ever hasso farcertified close to 200 Marriage Mentors all over theworldincluding pastors, church workers, couples in crisis,marriedcouples and Singles.Other services by Twogether For Ever Marriage MinistryarePremarital Counseling, Counseling couples in crisis,facilitatingrelationship conferences in various churches andministries andQuarterly Prayer Breakfast events to mention afew.At Twogether For Ever, we believe that married couples canmakeit together forever. And that is why we say always "Twojoinedtogether, can make it FOREVER!!!"